82 research outputs found

    Pareto-Optimal Allocation of Indivisible Goods with Connectivity Constraints

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    We study the problem of allocating indivisible items to agents with additive valuations, under the additional constraint that bundles must be connected in an underlying item graph. Previous work has considered the existence and complexity of fair allocations. We study the problem of finding an allocation that is Pareto-optimal. While it is easy to find an efficient allocation when the underlying graph is a path or a star, the problem is NP-hard for many other graph topologies, even for trees of bounded pathwidth or of maximum degree 3. We show that on a path, there are instances where no Pareto-optimal allocation satisfies envy-freeness up to one good, and that it is NP-hard to decide whether such an allocation exists, even for binary valuations. We also show that, for a path, it is NP-hard to find a Pareto-optimal allocation that satisfies maximin share, but show that a moving-knife algorithm can find such an allocation when agents have binary valuations that have a non-nested interval structure.Comment: 21 pages, full version of paper at AAAI-201

    Hedonic Games with Graph-restricted Communication

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    We study hedonic coalition formation games in which cooperation among the players is restricted by a graph structure: a subset of players can form a coalition if and only if they are connected in the given graph. We investigate the complexity of finding stable outcomes in such games, for several notions of stability. In particular, we provide an efficient algorithm that finds an individually stable partition for an arbitrary hedonic game on an acyclic graph. We also introduce a new stability concept -in-neighbor stability- which is tailored for our setting. We show that the problem of finding an in-neighbor stable outcome admits a polynomial-time algorithm if the underlying graph is a path, but is NP-hard for arbitrary trees even for additively separable hedonic games; for symmetric additively separable games we obtain a PLS-hardness result

    Cooperative Games with Bounded Dependency Degree

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    Cooperative games provide a framework to study cooperation among self-interested agents. They offer a number of solution concepts describing how the outcome of the cooperation should be shared among the players. Unfortunately, computational problems associated with many of these solution concepts tend to be intractable---NP-hard or worse. In this paper, we incorporate complexity measures recently proposed by Feige and Izsak (2013), called dependency degree and supermodular degree, into the complexity analysis of cooperative games. We show that many computational problems for cooperative games become tractable for games whose dependency degree or supermodular degree are bounded. In particular, we prove that simple games admit efficient algorithms for various solution concepts when the supermodular degree is small; further, we show that computing the Shapley value is always in FPT with respect to the dependency degree. Finally, we note that, while determining the dependency among players is computationally hard, there are efficient algorithms for special classes of games.Comment: 10 pages, full version of accepted AAAI-18 pape

    On Parameterized Complexity of Group Activity Selection Problems on Social Networks

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    In Group Activity Selection Problem (GASP), players form coalitions to participate in activities and have preferences over pairs of the form (activity, group size). Recently, Igarashi et al. have initiated the study of group activity selection problems on social networks (gGASP): a group of players can engage in the same activity if the members of the group form a connected subset of the underlying communication structure. Igarashi et al. have primarily focused on Nash stable outcomes, and showed that many associated algorithmic questions are computationally hard even for very simple networks. In this paper we study the parameterized complexity of gGASP with respect to the number of activities as well as with respect to the number of players, for several solution concepts such as Nash stability, individual stability and core stability. The first parameter we consider in the number of activities. For this parameter, we propose an FPT algorithm for Nash stability for the case where the social network is acyclic and obtain a W[1]-hardness result for cliques (i.e., for classic GASP); similar results hold for individual stability. In contrast, finding a core stable outcome is hard even if the number of activities is bounded by a small constant, both for classic GASP and when the social network is a star. Another parameter we study is the number of players. While all solution concepts we consider become polynomial-time computable when this parameter is bounded by a constant, we prove W[1]-hardness results for cliques (i.e., for classic GASP).Comment: 9 pages, long version of accepted AAMAS-17 pape

    Forming Probably Stable Communities with Limited Interactions

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    A community needs to be partitioned into disjoint groups; each community member has an underlying preference over the groups that they would want to be a member of. We are interested in finding a stable community structure: one where no subset of members SS wants to deviate from the current structure. We model this setting as a hedonic game, where players are connected by an underlying interaction network, and can only consider joining groups that are connected subgraphs of the underlying graph. We analyze the relation between network structure, and one's capability to infer statistically stable (also known as PAC stable) player partitions from data. We show that when the interaction network is a forest, one can efficiently infer PAC stable coalition structures. Furthermore, when the underlying interaction graph is not a forest, efficient PAC stabilizability is no longer achievable. Thus, our results completely characterize when one can leverage the underlying graph structure in order to compute PAC stable outcomes for hedonic games. Finally, given an unknown underlying interaction network, we show that it is NP-hard to decide whether there exists a forest consistent with data samples from the network.Comment: 11 pages, full version of accepted AAAI-19 pape

    Envy-free division of multi-layered cakes

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    We study the problem of dividing a multi-layered cake among heterogeneous agents under non-overlapping constraints. This problem, recently proposed by Hosseini et al. (2020), captures several natural scenarios such as the allocation of multiple facilities over time where each agent can utilize at most one facility simultaneously, and the allocation of tasks over time where each agent can perform at most one task simultaneously. We establish the existence of an envy-free multi-division that is both non-overlapping and contiguous within each layered cake when the number nn of agents is a prime power and the number mm of layers is at most nn, thus providing a positive partial answer to a recent open question. To achieve this, we employ a new approach based on a general fixed point theorem, originally proven by Volovikov (1996), and recently applied by Joji\'{c}, Panina, and {\v{Z}}ivaljevi\'{c} (2020) to the envy-free division problem of a cake. We further show that for a two-layered cake division among three agents with monotone preferences, an ε\varepsilon-approximate envy-free solution that is both non-overlapping and contiguous can be computed in logarithmic time of 1/ε1/{\varepsilon}.Comment: 21 page

    Keeping the Harmony Between Neighbors: Local Fairness in Graph Fair Division

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    We study the problem of allocating indivisible resources under the connectivity constraints of a graph GG. This model, initially introduced by Bouveret et al. (published in IJCAI, 2017), effectively encompasses a diverse array of scenarios characterized by spatial or temporal limitations, including the division of land plots and the allocation of time plots. In this paper, we introduce a novel fairness concept that integrates local comparisons within the social network formed by a connected allocation of the item graph. Our particular focus is to achieve pairwise-maximin fair share (PMMS) among the "neighbors" within this network. For any underlying graph structure, we show that a connected allocation that maximizes Nash welfare guarantees a (1/2)(1/2)-PMMS fairness. Moreover, for two agents, we establish that a (3/4)(3/4)-PMMS allocation can be efficiently computed. Additionally, we demonstrate that for three agents and the items aligned on a path, a PMMS allocation is always attainable and can be computed in polynomial time. Lastly, when agents have identical additive utilities, we present a pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm for a (3/4)(3/4)-PMMS allocation, irrespective of the underlying graph GG. Furthermore, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for obtaining a PMMS allocation when GG is a tree.Comment: Full version of paper accepted for presentation at AAMAS 202
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